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My Life in Synchronicity

I’ve experienced this phenomenon “all” my life. Four decades or so of this life, such things were not spoken of. Unless you were a Jungian. Thank goodness for the Jungians.

As a result of a series of synchronicities, I met Phil Cousineau. He wrote “”Soul Moments: Marvelous Stories of Synchronicities from a Seemingly Random World “. I met Phil before he wrote the book and also after. My handing him my card years before the book was one oif those amazing synchonicites– he was speaking, with Robert Johnson, a noted Jungian, on the “Red Road to Sobriety”.

I have NO IDEA why I have him my card. It was one of those intuitive things that I have also been doing all along–but this led to the book which led to… my own essay being published in the book. On a more personal level, I had just received an email from Phil Cousineau that my essay was going to be included in the book when the ham radio club I belonged to had a Christmas party. (I was written a ham radio take on The Night Before Christmas and was to present it.) The story is longer, but short version, I sat next to another ham (and engineer) and told him that I had been accepted into the book about synchronicity. That lead to a friendship that lasted for a long time. (For anyone who might understand amateur radio, he’s now a silent key”.)

Synchronicity. I had never expected this to resonate with my ham radio/engineer friends. But… KO6SY was. Another of many synchronicities around this one topic.

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